Richard Branson Advocates for Kevin Cooper's Exoneration

Kevin Cooper: Innocence Amid Controversy

The last eight words of death row inmate Kevin Cooper, whom billionaire Richard Branson publicly supported and called an “innocent person,” were reportedly: “I am still innocent of this crime.”

Cooper’s case has been controversial, with many advocating for his innocence over the years, including high-profile figures like Richard Branson. Cooper was convicted of a brutal 1983 quadruple murder in California, but his defense team and supporters have argued that there were significant flaws in the investigation, including allegations of racial bias, mishandling of evidence, and the possibility of other suspects being involved.

Richard Branson and other advocates have long campaigned for a re-examination of Cooper’s case, pushing for clemency and additional DNA testing, believing that Cooper may have been wrongfully convicted. Despite these efforts, Cooper remains on death row, but the fight for his exoneration continues.

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