Shocking Study Connects Over 150 Million Mental Disorders to Leaded Gasoline

Shocking Study Connects Over 150 Million Mental Disorders to Leaded Gasoline
Shocking Study Connects Over 150 Million Mental Disorders to Leaded Gasoline

Is Leaded Gasoline Fueling the Mental Health Crisis? New Research Explores

Recent research highlights that historical lead exposure, especially from leaded gasoline, has had a profound and long-lasting impact on mental health.

Over 150 million mental health diagnoses globally may be linked to lead exposure, with studies revealing significant effects on IQ levels, brain development, and risks of mental illnesses like ADHD and depression.

Lead’s neurotoxicity disrupts brain cells and cognitive development, especially in children, leaving permanent health challenges even long after its use has been banned.

This issue underscores the importance of strict measures to eliminate remaining sources of lead exposure, such as contaminated water, paints, and pottery, to protect future generations from its effects.

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