Disgraced Footballer Robinho’s Festive Release Denied: Serving Time for Rape Conviction
Former Brazilian footballer Robinho, currently serving a nine-year prison sentence for sexual assault, will spend Christmas in jail after his request for temporary festive release was denied.
Robinho is incarcerated in a closed-type prison facility in São Paulo, Brazil, where inmates are not eligible for temporary release privileges, which are typically reserved for those in semi-open regimes.
In 2017, an Italian court convicted Robinho of participating in the gang rape of a 22-year-old woman at a Milan nightclub in 2013.
After exhausting appeals, his nine-year sentence was upheld in January 2022. Due to Brazil’s constitutional prohibition against extraditing its citizens, Robinho began serving his sentence in Brazil in March 2024.
Despite his incarceration, Robinho has been engaging in prison activities, including learning skills to repair household appliances and occasionally playing football with fellow inmates.