Joe Kinnear’s Legacy: A Loving Tribute to His Wife Bonnie in Estate Plan

Joe Kinnear's Legacy: A Loving Tribute to His Wife Bonnie in Estate Plan
Joe Kinnear's Legacy: A Loving Tribute to His Wife Bonnie in Estate Plan

Football Manager Joe Kinnear Passes at 77, Leaves Entire Estate to Wife

Joe Kinnear, the esteemed football manager and former player, passed away in April 2024 at the age of 77 after a prolonged battle with dementia.

In his will, Kinnear bequeathed his entire estate, valued at £840,000, to his wife, Bonnie. After accounting for costs, fees, and debts, the net amount bequeathed to Bonnie was £833,000.

Kinnear’s illustrious career included playing for Tottenham Hotspur, where he won the FA Cup, UEFA Cup, and two League Cups.

He later managed clubs such as Wimbledon, Luton, Nottingham Forest, and Newcastle United. His family attributes his dementia to heading the ball during his 11-year professional career.

Following his death, Kinnear’s family, along with other former players, joined a lawsuit against football authorities, claiming insufficient measures to prevent brain damage among players.

Kinnear is survived by his wife, Bonnie, and their daughter; their son predeceased him.

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