The Decline of Fertility: Osita Chidoka Urges Middle Class to Reconsider

Former Aviation Minister Osita Chidoka on the Perils of Middle Class Selfishness and Fertility Decline

Former Aviation Minister Osita Chidoka has consistently addressed issues concerning Nigeria’s socio-economic landscape, including the challenges posed by middle-class self-interest and declining fertility rates.

In various forums, Chidoka has critiqued the Nigerian elite for perpetuating a system that benefits a select few at the expense of the broader population. He argues that this self-serving approach has led to systemic failures in governance and economic development.

For instance, during a 2020 interview, he stated, “The Nigerian masses have been duped for the past 60 years,” highlighting how elites secure top positions for their offspring, thereby entrenching inequality.

Regarding fertility decline, while specific statements from Chidoka on this issue are not readily available, the topic is of growing concern in Nigeria.

The country’s fertility rate has been decreasing, with implications for economic growth and social structures. Experts suggest that factors such as increased education and employment opportunities for women, urbanization, and economic challenges contribute to this trend.

Chidoka’s broader commentary emphasizes the need for systemic reforms and active youth engagement to address these challenges.

He urges Nigerian youths to leverage their demographic advantage to elect visionary leaders and dismantle the entrenched systems that hinder progress. In a 2021 symposium, he remarked, “The youths must reengage with the country Nigeria to enable a change from progressive decline.”

The Decline of Fertility: Osita Chidoka Urges Middle Class to Reconsider

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