Singer Spyro Defends Honesty: A Deep Dive into the Sheets Controversy with Promoter PaulO

Singer Spyro Defends Honesty: A Deep Dive into the Sheets Controversy with Promoter PaulO
Singer Spyro Defends Honesty: A Deep Dive into the Sheets Controversy with Promoter PaulO

Spyro vs. PaulO: Unraveling the Truth Behind the Sheets Dispute

Nigerian singer Spyro and show promoter Paul Okoye, known as PaulO, have recently engaged in a public dispute over financial matters from Spyro’s time with PaulO’s record label.


Spyro claimed he did not receive any financial compensation while signed to PaulO’s label. In response, PaulO released documents indicating an investment of ₦12 million in Spyro’s career, suggesting that substantial funds were allocated to support the artist.

Recent Developments:

Spyro has countered PaulO’s evidence, asserting that the documents actually support his initial claims. He maintains that despite the purported investments, he did not receive direct financial benefits. Additionally, Spyro has clarified that he harbors no personal animosity towards PaulO, stating, “I don’t have any issue with PaulO.”

Singer Spyro Defends Honesty: A Deep Dive into the Sheets Controversy with Promoter PaulO

Singer Spyro Defends Honesty: A Deep Dive into the Sheets Controversy with Promoter PaulO

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